Case Studies
I want to increase productivity!
I want to minimize the setup time when we change coils!

I want to increase material yields!
I want to reduce scrap material ratios!

I want to reduce the amount of leftover coil material.

I want a smaller installation footprint for my prodution line!
I want my production line to be shorter!

I want to shorten my overall line length even when stamping thick material!

I want to increase productivity in a limited space!

I want to shorten coil change times!
I want to eliminate the auxiliary ring installation time on my large uncoiler.

I do not want to have to build a foundation!
I want a line that doesn’t require a loop pit even when running thick material.

I want to be able to run a wide variety of materials!
I want to be able to easily make settings for many different types of materials.

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I want to increase productivity!
I want to increase our cycle SPM rate to increase production output!

I want to be able to run two different products with different material thicknesses at the same time!

I want a smaller installation footprint for my production line
I want to reduce the installation footprint of our robots.

I want to reduce manpower on my production lines!
I want to use fewer workers to convey workpieces between presses.

I want to load blank stacks more efficiently.

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